Friday, February 14, 2014

you are special

My boyfriend is the absolute sweetest. 

In addition to all the stuff boys are "supposed" to do (show up on time, put down the toilet seat, that kind of stuff), he also brings me two pieces of chocolate when I ask for one, compliments my vocabulary, encourages my outlandish dreams (yesterday we were buying an orphanage in Malawi, the week before we were playing Tarzan in Brazil)... 

I could go on all day about his sweetness. 

In January I even came home from vacation to this post-it note heart on my closet door. It's the first thing you see when you walk in my house. And it is still there today, a month later.

I love post-it notes. I love that he took the time to make a heart out of post-it notes. I love that he wrote me a note on the post-it notes. And that we have continued adding messages over the past few weeks.

It is such an adventure to come home and scan the closet door to see what has been added. Song lyrics, movie quotes, x's and o's. Just little expressions of love and care.

When we Walk With love in our hearts, we will always look for ways to make others feel special.

It doesn't have to cost anything. It doesn't have to be romantic. It doesn't have to be on Valentine's Day. It doesn't even have to be with someone you know.

We can simply decide each day that we are going to make someone/anyone/everyone feel special. And start looking for ways to make it happen.

So, whether or not you have a valentine today, choose to show someone that they are special!

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