Thursday, February 27, 2014


"I will carry your walk in my prayers
if you carry my prayers in your walk."
- Suzie

In its simplest form, the "purpose" of walking el Camino de Santiago ("The Way of St. James") is to arrive at the cathedral in Santiago where St. James the Apostle is buried in order to ask for miracles, forgiveness, or receive other answers to prayer.

There is a statue of St. James at the cathedral and people literally embrace it, laying their heads upon his shoulder and their burdens at his feet.

I can't wait to embrace the apostle!


I don't think God is asking me to walk 500 miles so that He can forgive me. Or answer me. Or heal me.

(He might be asking me to walk 500 miles so I will realize I need to forgive myself, but when it comes to His forgiveness I don't even need to get off the couch!)

To be honest, I'm not sure why God wants me to walk across Spain. Maybe it's not for me to know. At least not now. But I do know that I plan on saying a million prayers during the 40 days of Lent. And I would love to carry your prayers with me each day as I walk.

I hope that as we walk across Spain together you will take advantage of the comment section at the end of each blog and include your prayer requests and praises so that we can all pray and celebrate together.

Because I do believe in miracles and answered prayer. And I do believe they will happen, to us, during Lent.

What I would love more than anything would be for ALL of our prayers to be answered BEFORE I embrace the apostle. So that the only prayer left to say is "Thank you."

Thank you for Walking With me. Thank you for Walking With us. Thank you for hearing our prayers.


  1. Have a safe trip Katie! And if you would remember my mother in prayer, a wonderful woman who has seemingly had just one thing after another lately as far as health issues, I would appreciate it!

    1. Thanks Mike! I will definitely remember your mom. I believe you mentioned her when we did the Caesar's Creek triathlon...that she had had a health scare but prayers were answered. I trust God has been walking with her through each battle she faces!
