Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Suzie challenged me with the word "journey" on Monday's post. My sister-in-law challenged me with the same word months ago when we realized I would be out of the country more than in it, at least for the first half of 2014.

I do love to travel. Already this year I spent a week in the Caribbean on a cruise, stopping in both Mexico and Belize, and a week with my brother's family in Corpus Christi, Texas.

"Journey" is more than just travel though.

It's a band, a beautiful little girl, a store, a game. It's a process. A progression. A movement forward, deeper, further.

Life is a journey. Success is a journey. Relationships are a journey. Travel is a journey. Writing is a journey.

Journey means speed bumps and missed turns, unexpected beauty and life lessons.

Yet still I hesitate. Is it the "right" word? Does it give me enough direction--THE direction--that I'm looking for in 2014? Because I'm not interested in wandering this year. I want this year to have a clear goal in mind, a narrow path, filled with love and light and lots of adventure.

It's a good word. It could even be MY word. And maybe it is. Maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you're meant to wander, Katie. Perhaps your meaning is found through the wandering, the wondering, the journey. That narrow path may not be your path, narrow may be just too restrictive for your journey through this wildly twisty, circuitous path called life. To steal the word from 2013, embrace the journey! :-) I am so glad to see your writings again, I really missed them while you were adventuring with your family. You make me think, wonder, and question. I like that. ~Michelle
