Monday, January 20, 2014


I'm struggling to commit to a new word in 2014.

Commitment definitely feels like it will be part of my growth this year. But I'm not sure it is THE word--MY word--of the year. (Or maybe I just don't want it to be.)

Commitment means being faithful to the call of God on my life (which is what exactly??). Not just saying I'm a believer, but actually believing and trusting and following.

Commitment means going to Spain for two months even though it feels scary. And selfish. (Why does committing to this thing I know I am meant to do make me feel like I'm neglecting my commitments to family, work, love?)

Commitment means having a boyfriend and not wasting time worrying about getting hurt or not being all he deserves.

Commitment means making decisions and plans, having priorities and goals and agendas. Not waiting around until the last minute to see if something funner, easier, more challenging or perfect comes along.

And yet I'm still not ready to declare this word as MY word. Perhaps I need to wrestle in community with you this week. To see what other words are speaking to my heart.

What about you? Do you have a word--a direction--for 2014?


  1. I think steadfast is my word so far this year. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to and end. They are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. This is exactly how I am and have to stay to fight for my daughter and make sure her illness doesn't consume her. It's easier on paper, but is vital to be walked.

    1. What a challenging word!! His strength is in you to see it through!

  2. So glad that you are writing again! I thoroughly enjoyed all that you embraced in 2013. What a gift to all of us that you share. Commitment is one interesting choice but I see maybe journey, travel or disernment being also fitting for this year....We are all holding our breath to see what your adventures hold! Thanks again for challenging us and giving us a unique glimpse of a Holy perspective. Suzie-honored friend of Kari and the girls.

    1. Thank you Suzie!! I love all of these words! Journey is definitely one I've been mulling over!!
