Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 24

Day 24: Castanares to Burgos - 7.5 kilometers (all on city streets)

Today's 7.5 kilometers felt like a rest day. We had a late breakfast of toast and coffee. And took our time walking through the big city of Burgos (population 175,000).

Not all pilgrims are excited about entering city life after the relative calm of the journey thus far. We are used to small towns with only a church, a bar, and an albergue. And homes for the 20-50 residents. In between towns walking through the glorious countryside of farms and fields and mountains.

But I love the extra culture that the cities have to offer. More restaurants. Local flavor. Churches and parks and teenagers hanging out in one of the many town squares. Businessmen and grandmothers stopping us on the street to ask where we have come from and to call on God to go with us on The Way. Blending in with other tourists once we've left our packs and muddy boots in the albergues and hotels.

On our agenda was to enjoy some of the amenities of the big city: buying more toothpaste, hitting the ATM, laundry, purchasing another guidebook since Randy and I will be parting ways next week (we burned his in the Pyrenees), eating tapas, visiting the 13th century Cathedral of Santa Maria, and whatever else the city decided to offer us.

The Cathedral was definitely the highlight of the day. Absolutely breathtaking in its grandeur. The second largest cathedral in all of Spain.

The town square surrounding it was busy with shops and cafes, musicians and pilgrims, families and lovers. We encountered a group of pilgrims who dubbed themselves "the international team", coming from all over the world to walk to Santiago. After sharing where we were from, the man from Holland said his wife was from Nebraska. Earlier in the day we met a couple from southern California who are doing the Camino by train.

We toured the cathedral, rode the carousel, ate hot dogs with the teenagers, tapas with their parents, and chocolate with the kids. Staying out late to enjoy the city by night.

The weatherman is predicting rain for the rest of the week, so I'm grateful we got to enjoy our beautiful, restful day in the city!


  1. Prayer is not asking for what you think that you want, but asking to be changed in ways that you cannot imagine. "Kathleen Norris"
    How is that working for you? do tell? I am about half way through the book you left to me before your journey ...chapter opened with this great quote!

    1. Thanks Suzie! I'm so glad you are enjoying the book and sharing this great quote! It feels to me exactly what I was hoping for when I began this journey... to be changed, to be more of who God wants me to be, whatever that may look like!
