Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 63

Day 63: Home

  • Flight from Philadelphia to Ohio
  • Dinner with my parents
  • Baseball practice with my brother, nieces and nephew
  • Walk with my dog
  • Wine and conversation with my sister-in-law Kari, followed by her reminding me that the tendinitis in my foot may be better but the stress fracture is not going to heal itself if I keep walking my dog
Yep, I'm officially home! 

And for the next few days you can find me dutifully resting on the couch. Reading a book (2 months without reading... I have a lot of catching up to do!). And eating peanut butter (can you imagine 2 months without peanut butter?!).

Thank you all for being a part of my journey! For walking with me across Spain. For opening your hearts to the highs and lows of this adventure. And bravely following whatever dream God is calling you to in your own life.

Animo! (You can do it!)
Ultreia! (Walk on!)
Buen Camino!! (Have a good journey!)


  1. Heh, we are going on 16 months or so of no peanut butter in our house. But we are hopeful of Bear outgrowing his allergy.

    I have really enjoyed following you on your journey. :-)

    1. Poor Bear!! Nut allergies are no joke. I hope he grows out of it so he can enjoy the "finer" things in life! ;)

      Thanks for coming along!!
