Tuesday, May 27, 2014

blank pages

I have no idea what to write about.

It isn't writers block.
It's more like when a person retires and they don't know how to fill all of their new found time.
Or a relationship ends and you have to figure out all over again who you are without that other person.

Writing was easy when I was in Spain. There were new adventures every day. People. Food. Vistas. Pain. Determination. Kilometers that needed walked.
And it felt amazing to have such a clearly defined purpose. In life. And in writing.

But now it feels like I'm trying on all of my clothes (literally and metaphorically) to see what still fits and what doesn't. What still serves me and what I can give up.

And in the meantime I have no idea what to do with myself. Or this blog.


  1. While walking the Camino with you was one awesome journey; eating the food, drinking the wine, meeting new people, charting the kilometers, feeling the pain of injury and the triumph of arrival; it wasn't the goal that was the prize; it was in the WALK. You taught us that before you left, way back in 2013-EMBRACE...seeing the meaning in the mundane is what is really intriguing! Your perspective on the ordinary-creating a God MOMENT where one didn't exist before -now that is powerful! Meeting us right where we are... So with that in mind, the next page is right outside your door or inside; the comments of a stranger or the writings of a preschooler, the gift of a friend, or family, a run, walk, crawl or swim. Take us with you...as you figure out what to do with yourself so we can also see that we are not alone in this exhausting yet exciting reinvention that happens everytime we graduate, change, transform and evolve. You said it yourself, it doesn't have to be pretty or profound just pure...

    1. Thank you Suzie!! This is exactly what I needed to hear!!
