Monday, November 3, 2014

to say or to do

I spent yesterday afternoon in our hotel room in Forth Worth, Texas, writing about God and the purpose and plan he has for each one of us.

Randy was out walking the city streets, getting fresh air and a cup of coffee. He struck up a conversation with a homeless man and ended up giving him the jacket off his back. 

It struck me that what I was writing about doing, Randy was actually doing. 

Writing is an important ministry to me, one that God has clearly called me to. But writing about Jesus should never take the place of living out the teachings of Jesus. In this life I am called to both. 


  1. You can see the peace that only Christ can give on your faces and the joy that you have found in each other!

    1. Thanks Suzie! Let us know when you come to Lincoln!! We'd love to visit with you!
