Saturday, February 1, 2014

word of the year

Selah. Brave. Commitment. Journey. Explore.

Selah is what I needed during the cold, dark month of January snow and cancelled Sunday services. A reminder to pause at the feet of Jesus and rest in His embrace.

Brave is what I want to be on days when I'm afraid.

Commitment tells me who and what I should invest my time and energy and life into.

Journey is simply life and living and discovering what it's all about.

Explore reminds me to live a life of depth in a world of superficiality, where time is wasted and relationships skim the surface of truth and integrity.

I promised you I would pick one, ONE, and that I would pick it today. But how am I to choose ONE of these five words that speak to me in such distinct, yet overlapping ways?

And then I began to wonder...

What if I didn't pick ONE? What if I picked them ALL? What if I had a statement instead of a word...

I like this. I like it a ton. It feels good and right and I imagine myself repeating it each and every day like a mantra.

And I will.

But if I have to be honest, which I try to be, I realized yesterday that there is in fact a word--a phrase actually--that wants to guide me this year. I've been avoiding it because it isn't the fun one. Or the easy one. It's not the safe one or the deep one. It's the one that is left when I truly sit and listen and ask God what kind of person He wants me to be.

A faithful person. Reliable. Trusting and trustworthy. Vulnerable. Dedicated. Hot or cold but not lukewarm.

"Commitment" is the word that led me here.

But more than that, I think God wants me to be a person who WALKS WITH.

Did you notice that this year's web address is "Walks With Katie"?

I thought I came up with it randomly. Because I needed a new address and I plan to walk a lot this year. But it isn't "Katie walks a lot". It's "Walks With" Katie.

Because God wants to Walk With me this year. And He wants me to Walk With others. God wants me to Walk With integrity. And confidence. He wants me to Walk With intention. All the while being brave and committed, exploring the journey and taking time to pause and reflect on the beauty all around us.

So what do you say? Will you WALK WITH me this year??

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